Assigned value used to identify firm sending message, the tag number is 49. The Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Protocol is a message standard developed to facilitate
the electronic exchange of information related to securities transactions. It is intended for use
between trading partners wishing to automate communications. Fields which are required based on the presence or value of other fields. In most cases the example sub-directory contains Readme.html file with the important
information – configuration, startup, etc. The FIX engine must be initialized as described in the following section.
- Assigned value used to identify receiving firm, the tag number is 56.
- And assume 2nd application uses the FIX dialect defined in the “sharing-engine-dialect-2.xml”.
- The engine level dialect is defined by element with no id
attribute specified. - A single FIX session can exist across multiple sequential (not concurrent)
physical connections. - The expected sequence number of the next incoming message can be get using the biz.onixs.fix.engine.Session.getInSeqNum() method.
In this case, the FIX version will contain only messages, repeating groups and files defined by the description. For example, the description of FIX version 5.0 below will be empty and not contain any definitions at all. Sometime there is a need to set additional fields (e.g. Username(553), Password(554)) in the initiation logon message.
The first two parameters (firstDay and lastDay) define activity week. During these days the session will always be
connected at logon time and disconnected at logout time if specified session duration equals to a single day. If the sent application-level message needs to be resent to the counterparty then the return value of the
MessageResending event listener should be set to true while handling the event. Otherwise the
SequenceReset-GapFill (4) message will be sent instead (e.g. in case of an aged order).
Welcome to the OnixS ultra-low latency C++ FIX Engine.
This iterator does not iterate over fields from a repeating group. To iterate over fields of the repeating group you need to get the corresponding biz.onixs.fix.parser.GroupInstance object from the repeating group, please see the FIX Repeating Group. The engine provides two representation of the FIX message by the biz.onixs.fix.parser.Message and biz.onixs.fix.parser.FlatMessage classes. To terminate the session the biz.onixs.fix.engine.Session.dispose() method must be used. The engine configuration is set during the initialization phase.
The SLF4J detects and uses the concrete logging implementation configured by user. A single FIX session can exist across multiple sequential (not concurrent)
physical connections. Parties can connect and disconnect multiple times while
maintaining a single FIX session. In other words, FIX Session is comprised
of one or more FIX Connections. To initialize the FIX Engine class library the biz.onixs.fix.engine.Engine.init(..) method
is used. As mutable fields are updated, each time message is about to be sent to a counterparty.
The SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) is used by Handler internally. The SLF4J detects and uses the concrete logging implementation configured by the user. This iterator allows iterating over all fields including repeating groups of received raw FIX message as it is. Before any modifications to FIX message the set of fields will be in the same order as they are received/parsed and will include duplicates.
FIX Repeating Group
The Scheduler exposes Error event to get notified about errors in session management. The unregister method removes specified session from the scheduling service. The messageFilter is the implementation of biz.onixs.fix.filter.MessageFilter interface. The SSL support is implemented using Sun’s java security / JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)
implementation. Within the FIX protocol such deviations from the FIX specification must be
described in the FIX Engine, to ensure that the parsing or creation of the
corresponding FIX messages are correct. Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates
the session via transmission of the initial Logon message.
In other words, a FIX Session is comprised of one or more FIX connections. Memory based session storage could be used to maintain a high-performance FIX session when persisting of session
state and messages in the file system is not required. To add a new repeating group to a FIX message, add the corresponding entity to the FIX dialect description file. The same approach is used to add new fields into an existing repeating group.
The usual practice is to back up the log files at the end of each business day (so-called “End Of Day procedure”) to start the sequence numbers from 1 at the beginning of the next day. Connecting parties must bi-laterally agree as to when sessions are to be started/stopped and log files are backed up based upon individual system and time zone requirements. Resetting inbound and outbound sequence numbers back to 1, for whatever reason, constitutes the beginning of a new
FIX session.
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is a leading operator of global exchanges, clearing houses, and data services.
FIX Version
The session level dialect is defined by element with id
attribute specified. The dialect defined for the session level needs to be set explicitly for the selected
sessions. The engine level dialect is defined by element with no id
attribute specified. The dialect defined for the engine level is set implicitly for all engine sessions. When the FIX session is finished, the log files are not needed anymore. They
can be backed up and later a new FIX session with the same SenderCompID and
TargetCompID will start sequence numbers from 1.
String field (see definition of “String” above) representing a market or exchange. String field (see definition of “String” above) representing a currency type. Equipment documentation which used to be transferred to different proprietary systems or physical pieces of paper, now has a single home, which all stakeholders can access whenever they like. Fields in a FIX message that are not expected in accordance with the FIX protocol or its dialect. Session-Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission
of the initial Logon message.
Afterward, before sending it to the counterparty, it is updated with mutable fields (like price or quantity) exactly for the case and sent to the counterparty. To define a custom (user-defined) message, add the corresponding entity to the FIX dialect description. To make a field, which is required according to the FIX protocol specification, optional, and vice-versa, add the corresponding entity to the FIX dialect description and set the isRequired attribute accordingly. It must be called before each of a biz.onixs.fix.engine.Session.send(Message) function call. If the count of messages per a time unit exceeds the throttling limit, the function will block until the given time interval is passed. If the sent application-level message needs to be resent to the counterparty then the return value of the MessageResending event listener should be set to true while handling the event.
To iterate over all fields of the flat message use the biz.onixs.fix.parser.FlatMessage.iterator() method. To iterate over all fields of a FIX message please use the biz.onixs.fix.parser.Message.iterator() method for the structured message. Also there are similar classes defined for each FIX version biz.onixs.fix.tag.FIX40.Tag etc. Sometimes there is a need to use message after it was sent to a session.
To interact with such FIX venues, keepSequenceNumbersBetweenFixConnections parameter of session constructor
should be set to false. In this case before the Logon messages exchanges sequence numbers are set back to 1. It is possible to continue the same session later using either biz.onixs.fix.engine.Session.logonAsAcceptor() or biz.onixs.fix.engine.Session.logonAsInitiator(String, onix fix int)
methods again. To simplify development, the Session Scheduler provides an option to define session schedules and connection settings
in the configuration file for later referencing in the source code. To create such a session storageType parameter of Session constructor should be set to